Bioidentical Hormones replacement Champlin, MN - Balance Health Clinic

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. They are synthesized from plant sources and are biochemically equivalent to endogenous human hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy include relief of deficiency symptoms as well as other positive effects like:

Who Needs Bioidentical HRT?

Bioidentical hormone therapy can benefit both men and women experiencing hormonal imbalance and deficiency.

Our services

Hormone Deficiency in Women

In women, hormonal changes commonly occur during:

Bioidentical estrogen and/or progesterone therapy helps stabilize hormones and alleviate unpleasant menopausal symptoms. Individualized treatment gets to the root cause and helps women feel like themselves again.

Low Testosterone in Men

In men, testosterone levels begin to slowly decline after age 30 at a rate of about 1% per year. Some men dip low enough to experience bothersome low testosterone (low T) symptoms:

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) using bioidentical testosterone helps restore healthy hormone levels, often dramatically improving low T symptoms within weeks. Benefits accumulate over months of treatment leading to better health and quality of life.

Take control of your hormones. Call us today!

Customized Treatment Approach

The practitioners at Balance Health Clinic specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy. The right approach differs based on the individual patient's:

We carefully analyze lab testing to determine which hormones are out of optimal range before creating a customized treatment plan.

Different options include:

Bioidentical Estrogens

Estrogen therapy may involve estrogen pills or creams, vaginal inserts like tablets or rings dosed to ease dryness and related intimacy issues. Autologous platelet-rich plasma therapy harnesses growth factors in the patient's own blood to rejuvenate vaginal tissues.

Transdermal gels or patches deliver estrogen through the skin avoiding potential side effects of oral pills passing through the digestive tract and liver.

The estrogen biometrics lab helps determine the ideal regimen based on symptoms and blood levels of estradiol, estrone and estriol.

Bioidentical Testosterone

For men with low T, testosterone is available in different forms:

Doses are titrated based on follow up bloodwork and symptom monitoring with the goal of reaching optimal testosterone levels.

Bioidentical Progesterone

Progesterone cream can be an important part of the hormone regimen for some women providing added stability and PMS relief. Effects are measure through testing and tracking of monthly symptoms.

Dosage may be scheduled cyclically (ex. days 14-28 of menstrual cycle) or stable daily application depending on the clinical picture.

In both men and women, thyroid and adrenal function are evaluated as part of the big picture affecting hormone balance and wellness. Correcting deficiencies and optimizing hormones throughout the endocrine system is key.

Lifestyle and Wellbeing Recommendations

Comprehensive bioidentical hormone replacement therapy focuses both on biology through precision hormone restoration as well as lifestyle choices supporting natural wellness.

We encourage patients to embrace health-promoting behaviors that will enhance the benefits of treatment. This includes:

Nutrition and Supplement Recommendations

Eating a balanced, whole food diet helps ensure the body has building blocks in place for new hormones to act properly.

Targeted nutritional supplements aid hormone production and receptor sensitivity. Our practitioners offer cutting edge testing and evidence based suggestions for nutraceuticals like:

Gut health and microbiome balance are addressed given emerging research on the important role of GI function for endocrine health. Probiotic and fiber intake is evaluated.


Regular exercise provides a long list of benefits:

We help craft realistic fitness plans catered to the patient’s needs and abilities for optimal adherence and rewards.

Relaxation and Emotional Health

Managing stress effectively through lifestyle choices gives hormones and the entire body the best chance to find equilibrium.

Patients are encouraged to make time for:

? Reflection and mindfulness practices ? Getting outdoors ? Forming social connections ? Participating in enjoyable hobbies and creative activities ? Prioritizing adequate sleep

Psychotherapy, life coaching or interventions like acupuncture, massage and yoga therapy help many patients work through challenges holistically.

Our clinic partners with talented local professionals offering mental, emotional and physical wellbeing services convenient to our Champlin office, including:

Interesting fact

Unlike conventional hormone therapy, bioidentical hormones have a chemical structure identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. Studies show they may provide better symptom relief with fewer side effects for some people, though more research is still needed to confirm long-term safety and ideal dosing.

Why Choose Balance Health Clinic for Bioidentical HRT?

The providers at Balance Health Clinic recognize every patient is unique. We specialize in precision balance for longevity using:

Conventional plus natural modalities blended through an integrative medicine approach under one roof. Harnessing the best of both worlds tailored to the individual.

Cutting edge hormone testing through specialty labs guides treatment planning and progress monitoring. Panels check blood, saliva and urine getting more clues.

Ongoing professional training keeps our physicians and nurse practitioners at the forefront of scientific advances in the exploding fields of endocrinology, regenerative medicine and optimization.

Collaboration and open communication builds trust empowering patients to take ownership of their vitality. We view every interaction as a partnership working together towards health goals through understanding root causes and sensible solutions.

Seamless care navigation assistance lightens the patient load through: - Concierge scheduling - Insurance benefits guidance - Coordination with other specialty providers

Convenience comes from one unified location providing seamless access to in-house:

? Primary care ? Gynecology ? Age management medicine ? Cosmetic services ? Integrative care

Balance Health Clinic acts as the launching pad for revitalized wellbeing through bioidentical hormone balancing working alongside patients to help them look good, feel good and live life to the fullest!

Take control of your health and happiness!

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